Stop Slamming the Fashion Bloggers: They are Smarter than you think

It is the industry that attracts many people. Fashion Bloggers are the easy target for the people who love to believe that the traditional media is worthy.

From the editors of the magazine to Twitter snipes, these bloggers have welcomed change, or admit that they don’t just get this. Here’s presenting some of the reasons why it is the time to cut bloggers some of the slack.

Popular Fashion Blogs
They are self-made
Number one rule of Popular Fashion Blogs is that you are your brand. It comes with its drawbacks. There’s a lot more than taking blogging as a career than merely just clicking some selfies and skipping to dinner.

They are self-employed
Apparently, being without the paycheck from the existing company comes with worrying about the money too.

While the freelance freedom might look appealing to many of them, it is the up and down world, with money and works coming at the rate that you like ideally. It is something that will send your tension out of the roof.

It is not fake as you think
Many people like squeak bloggers for presenting unrealistic version. Bloggers are more aware of the Blog on Fashion that people can see the heavily airbrushed picture.

Many videos and photos that are shared by the influencers present a more realistic image that the ones on the magazine cover.

They do a lot of work free of cost
Most of the bloggers go days, weeks, months or even years without getting paid. Irrespective of this, they need to maintain their online presence, and it is currency.

In other words, it merely means more posts, blogs, and photo-shoots without a single penny. They solely go beyond without paying for it.


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