Fashion Bloggers Discussing Social Responsibility Of The Fashion World

Hello all my fashionable friends! The season is changing and very soon, all the top fashion designers in our country and across the world could come out with their new and exclusive winter collection. With this new collection, the fashion trends would change, rendering most of our current wardrobe pretty useless. I, personally, like to keep my wardrobe up to date with only the latest fashion trends. Therefore, as soon as the fashion changes, I go through my almirah, look at the old clothes, if possible, make changes in some of them to convert them as per the new fashion styles, rest all get dumped.

 Fashion Blogger in India
I know I am not the only one who does this. I am pretty sure most of readers too do the same thing. Till a little while back, I did not feel I was doing anything wrong. I mean, all I wanted was to look stylish and chic, and that is no crime, right. However, a recent Clothing Blog made me re-question my actions. The blog mentioned that Britain along sends around 235 million items of discarded clothing to the landfills. We can’t even image the figure all over the world. All these clothes are then burnt. Can you even think of all the pollution that this causes? In a country like India, where so many people do not even have clothes to wear, this sounds like such a waste.

The fashion industry, including the Fashion Bloggers, has understood its responsibility towards the environment and the society, and therefore, many international brands like H&M, Zara, etc., ask their customers to drop off old clothes in their retail stores. These clothes are properly recycled, reducing waste and pollution levels.

The best Fashion Bloggers in India are increasing writing about this, making both the fashion industry as well as the general public aware about their social responsibilities.


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