Surat Blog Exploring Fashion For Baby Girls That Goes Beyond The Pink Color

A big hello to all the lovely mothers! Yes, this blog is especially for all the mothers who like to dress up their kids in the prettiest possible manner. They like to hunt around for the best, the most stylish and the cutest dresses for their children, ensuring that their little babies look like angels once all dressed up.

Whether it’s a girl or a boy, for any mother, all her kids are special. They can never consciously discriminate between their girl child and their boy child. However, our mindset is such that right from the start, there are certain rules that have been laid down for the girls and some for the boys, and unknowingly, we all end up following those rules.

 Popular Fashion Blog
This discrimination between girls and boys can be seen in the world of kids fashion as well. When it comes to dressing up a girl child, even the topmost Fashion Bloggers would get stuck with the pink color and dresses with pictures of princesses and kittens. While for the boys, it is always about the color blue and images of cars, lion and superheroes. It is high time that we changed this stereotype and start looking for a Popular Fashion Blog which would give more practical and different options for kids clothing.

The fashion designers basically create their designs keeping in mind the demand from the customers, and therefore, it is you mothers who will have to first change your mindset, before you demand that a Surat Blog will write about a new collection for kids, by a top fashion designer, consisting of shoes for girls in which she can easily climb trees and jump over walls and tops in many different colors, other than pink.

Our kids deserve better than to be subjected to this discrimination right from their childhood. Let’s start buying clothes for our kids based on their personality, rather than the set norms.


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